
Τετάρτη 25 Μαΐου 2011

The Nephilim - Who or What Were They?

Myths from ancient Mesopoamia refer to a number of gods and goddesses, collectively named the Nephilim, or sometimes the Anunnaki. Chief among these were An, Enlil, chief god of Earth, Enki, the god of water, Ninhursag, the mother goddess, and Inanna, goddess of love. Enlil is often portrayed as having a somewhat negative attitude towards humankind, while Enki is depicted as a compassionate god who initiated the birth of civilization.

The Nephilim though are not only mentioned in Mesopotamian texts, as they also appear in the Bible, most notably Genesis 6:4-6 which states:

The Nephilim were on the Earth in those days, and also afterwards, When the sons of the Gods came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.

Most modern editions of the Bible state instead that 'there were giants upon the Earth', despite the fact that the Hebrew rendering was clearly Nephilim. More recent translations have though recognized this error and left the original word Nephilim intact. This error seems to have occurred as there was no translation available, so the early translators made up their own, altering the entire meaning in the process.

A clue as to how this error occurred is found within the Book of Enoch, which is believed to be one of the earliest examples of divinely inspired Jewish literature.

Chapter 6:1-3 states:

"And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters. And the angels, the children of the heaven saw and lusted after them, and said to one another, "come let us choose us wives from among the children of men and beget us children."

It is clear from this that there are striking similarities between this passage and Genesis chapter six. Could this mean that they share a common origin, and could even be talking about the same beings?

The difference is that where Genesis refers to these beings as sons of God, the Book of Enoch uses the term sons of angels. This, and subsequent references to their giant offspring, led historians such as Flavius Josephus to refer to the Nephilim as angels of God who accompanied mortal women. Their sons were said to possess strength similar to that of the legendary Grecian giants. These sons were said to have fallen from grace by choosing to consort with mortal women, and from this the so-called fallen angels are said to have originated.

I believe that this is a totally inaccurate portrayal. A clue as to the real identity of the mysterious sons of angels lies in the meaning of the original Hebrew word Nephilim. This word has two meanings, the first of which is to watch, hence the fact that the Nephilim are sometimes referred to as Watchers. The other meaning is those who are awake, in other words, spiritually awake.

It will be remembered that Enki the Mesopotamian god of water is said to have instigated the origins of civilization. What then could all this mean? Were the Nephilim some sort of incarnate angels? Could they in fact be the Demiurge, who according to both Gnostic and channelled sources were the creators and rulers of mankind? Were the Demiurge angels? The answer to all these questions is, I believe, both yes and no.

It seems that the word Nephilim derives from the Semitic NFL, meaning 'those who were cast down'. This term has a dual meaning, both literal and symbolic, for they were cast down in more ways than one. The Watchers I believe are incarnate angels, who have chosen to 'fall' into physicality, by aiding and watching mankind.

Although the terms Nephilim and Watcher appear to be interchangeable, they are in fact separate types of being, with different origins and roles.

In purely spiritual terms, the Nephilim were angels who chose to incarnate into physical form. However, they were not exclusively angelic, but rather a blending of both human and angelic energy - a type of hybrid.

This helps to explain the many references to them breeding with mortal women. They were in some ways fallen angels, but not in the way that we have been led to believe. They were special and unique individuals, highly evolved souls with a specific and important mission to fulfil.

Originally, the Bible stated that the offspring of the Nephilim were the people of the Shem. In the Bible this is interpreted as the men of renown, or the people who have a name. It seems however that Shem was also a Hebrew word for a sky vehicle. A more literal translation of the Nephilim would therefore be 'those who were cast down in flying craft'. Here then we have a highly evolved race, a blending of both angelic and human souls, who came to assist us from an unknown realm.

This then raises several questions; what was their mission, and where exactly is this realm? Is it another dimension, or perhaps another planet?

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